Friday, February 4, 2011



will be after all Masses this weekend, FEBRUARY 5/6.

Confirmation Candidates will be stationed at the church doors collecting monetary donations in soup cans to help the needy. This group activity is mandatory and the hours do not count toward your Christian Service totals. SOUPER BOWL SOUP CANS will be provided for donation collection.

SATURDAY, February 5 - 5:30 Mass

Natalia Fuenzalida

Cassidy Auriemma

Samantah Fagundez

Mia Volpe

Ijeoma Nwaka

Jonah Amedeo

SUNDAY, February 6 - 7:30 am

Brandon Graham

Jessica Guerrier

Jasmine Landicho

Sarah Bayless

Selena Flores

SUNDAY, February 6 - 9:00 am

Alysha Francois

Elijah Leung

Lisa Dawson-Annan

Sofia Paredes

Unique Aime

Claress Knight

Charlie Dowd

SUNDAY, February 6 - 11:30 am

Samantha Stuppi

Bryan Louis

Anais Abeigon

Peter Weiland

Sean Morrison

Jared LeBron

St. Joseph Parish Confirmation Candidates transform the time around the Super Bowl into our parish celebration of giving and serving to fight hunger and poverty in our local communities.

We believe:

· The idea for Souper Bowl of Caring is a gift from God

· Young people have the ability to serve and should be given opportunities to lead our parish in helping others

· Every dollar collected through Souper Bowl of Caring is donated to help the needy.

· People of all backgrounds and beliefs can work together

· Hunger and poverty have a negative impact on individuals and the communities in which they live, yet there is joy in serving and giving to those in need

· The excitement and energy surrounding the Super Bowl can be used to engage young people in service while producing lasting hope for all people

Armed with soup pots, our Confirmation Candidates will be at the doors of the church, collecting donations from each person walking by in all Masses next weekend, February 5/6. Please give generously.