Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Dear Confirmation Candidates and Parents,

Thank you for choosing to participate in the Confirmation Preparation Program at St. Joseph Parish. Your willingness to commit yourself to completing the program and receiving the sacrament of Confirmation convey to the entire faith community how much you value both your faith and your community. Your faith formation throughout the Confirmation preparation program will both assist you in identifying the gifts and talents you possess and challenge you to put these gifts and talents to use in our community. You will be invited to take responsibility for your own faith formation, as well as to assist others in that same endeavor.

Please take note of the following:


GOAL: Generate or renew the candidates’ interest in what we profess as Catholics.


11:30 AM - Mass of Enrollment
Please arrive in Church 20 minutes before Mass (11:10). Please see Fr. Manolo as you arrive for some instructions. Front pews are reserved for the Candidates and parents in front. During this Mass, candidates make a simple declaration that they officially wish to become candidates for Confirmation.

Meeting with Parents following Mass in Bernard Hall. This will take place during light lunch. Parents will also be asked to sign-up to volunteer in providing and preparing light lunch for future sessions. There will also a presentation of the overvierw of the whole confirmation preparation program.

12:30-1:00 PM - light lunch for parents and candidates in Bernard Hall.

1:00 - 2:30 PM : First Session:
Rectory Meeting Room

I believe - The Faith by which We Were Baptized

Thank you very much and God bless you.


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