Monday, November 10, 2008

CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES AND SPONSORS - an Encounter and the Conversation

During the Third Session of the Confirmation Preparation Program for the year 2009 at St. Joseph Parish, the candidates were asked to bring their Sponsors with them. The attendance was impressive except for a few who, for some various reasons, we re not able to make it to the encounter. As usual, they were all at Church for the 11:30 Mass and the kids took the lead in some liturgical functions such as to help collect the tithings, present the gifts to the altar and distribute the bulletin to people as they leave church after the Mass.

A big THANK YOU to the generous parents who prepared and donated the lunch for over 40 people (including the sponsors).

The session was intended not to be a sit-down lecture on Catechesis about Confirmation. The goal of the session was primarily "AN ENCOUNTER AND CONVERSATION" between the candidates and the sponsors.

After the Opening Prayer, we began with the candidates introducing their sponsors to the group. Afterwards, they were divided into 4 groups for a group conversation.

A simple but quite extensive booklet was prepared for this encounter. They were quite surprised that they were asked to gather into small groups without a prepared outline on how to go about with the discussion. It was designed to be that way so that it will be a free flowing sharing. This was aimed at developing an open and casual communication between the candidate and the sponsor. The discussion led to the discovery of the important role that the candidate should play in choosing his or her sponsor and the willingness and commitment of the sponsor to take up the duty in helping them up to become a faithful children of God.
Towards the end of the conversation, the sponsors signed the Acceptance Form to signify their willingness and commtment which says:
I have carefully read the guidelines for sponsors.
I am in good standing with the Catholic Church.
I practice my faith and the celebration of my life
and God’s life at Mass on Sundays.
I realize the importance of my good example
in encouraging all whom I meet in their journey
toward a closer relationship with God,
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

With love for God and my fellow man,
I accept my responsibility as a sponsor for

(Name of the Candidate)
Before the encounter ended, the sponsors helped the candidates write a simple prayer of petition stating their personal intentions as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. These prayer are addressed to all the parishioners of St. Joseph Church. These prayers will be reproduced and be available at the doors of the Church for all the parishioners people to pick up on December 14 and pray for the candidates until the day of the celebration.

Positive things came out of the encounter. Sponsors were challenged to be part of the formation of the candidates by joining them and their families in coming to Mass onSundays and in helping the candidates perform their Christian Service Requirements. This could be a breakthrough in the life of both the candidates and the sponsors. THE ENCOUNTER has happened.... THE CONVERSATION has begun.

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