Connect with millions. Share the experience. Build a better world.
Launched at WYD08, Xt3 is the fastest growing social network of its kind, with members throughout the world from over 200 countries. Xt3 connects you with people who want to make a difference and helps you build a better world. Everyone is welcome.
“You young people have in a special way the task of witnessing today to the faith; the commitment to bring the Gospel of Christ into the third Christian Millennium, to build a new civilization - a civilization of love, of justice and of peace.”(Pope John Paul II's message to young people at World Youth Day, 1989 Santiago de Compostella) is a social networking site that grew out of July's World Youth Day in Sydney has brought Vatican attention and approval, says the city's archbishop.Cardinal George Pell, who has his own profile page on, returned from Rome with news of the Vatican's support and encouragement." provides young people with news, resources, events, charity projects, advice and interactive pages -- all within a safe environment," the cardinal said.
The Web site -- a Catholic version of Facebook or MySpace -- targets young people between the ages of 16 and 35 and gives dioceses around the world their own pages. Already more than 40,000 young people from over 170 countries have joined.With a new agreement, a Vatican library of media material has been made available for use on of the most popular pages at the site is "Ask a Priest." This feature gives young people the opportunity to question and come to understand a variety of Catholic teachings.The site is planning programs for dioceses around Australia and New Zealand and is set to become part of Oceania Catholic secondary schools' religious education programs, through the use of its interactive network. "Considerable work has been undertaken in the development and growth strategy of and I am very excited about the enormous possibilities this technology provides with the ability to link young people to the Church," Cardinal Pell said. "It all focuses on young people who are searching for answers to the many challenges they face in the modern world."
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