Monday, March 16, 2009



What every volunteer at the Soup Supper needs to know . . .

- Please arrive at Bernard Hall on time on Thursday, March 19 and report to Patti Killian.
- Please arrive at the time you signed up for: 3:30 to 6:00 or 5:30 to 8:00.
- Please wear a black T-shirt, jeans and sneakers.
- Be sure to wash your hands each time before you handle or serve food.
- Be sure to flash your biggest smile and use your best manners.
- You will be asked to help set up, work a station and help clean up.
- Stations are:
o Cutting and serving bread,
o Walking around and clearing and wiping tables,
o Sweeping floors,
o Serving soup (remember: ladle CANNOT touch the guest’s bowl),
o Manning coffee/tea table (helping to fill coffee urns, sugar bowls and sweet-n-low bowls, stocking cups, napkins and stirrers, wiping down table)
o Manning dessert table (clearing empty plates, wiping down table, keeping desserts fresh, stocking plates and napkins)
o Manning soft drink bar (stocking cups, helping thermoses remain filled, wiping down table)
o Helping in kitchen with washing dishes, etc.
- Please wear tag that designates your job – Patti will have tags.

You are terrific to volunteer! Think of how the money that we make will be used. And think of how much fun we will all have!

If you have any questions, please contact Patti Killian at or at 973.275.9841.

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