Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Confirmation Creed

My Confirmation Creed

I believe God is the ultimate Creator who always was and always will be there with His unconditional love. I believe God helps us and guides us to choose His way of love, sometimes directly and other times indirectly. I believe God is in everyone. I believe that we are writing part of God’s autobiography in the very way we live. It is up to us to make God proud. I believe that we present the materials on which God judges us and with which He builds our mansions in the sky.

I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the word made flesh. God sent him here to be our friend and die for our sins. Jesus was a man who, in his unconditional love, healed the sick and worked other miracles. I believe Jesus is a compassionate and generous forgiver of sins. He is called Preacher, Teacher, Savior, and Prince of Peace. He is now at his Father’s side.

I believe the Holy Spirit fills our hearts with God. Though unseen, the Spirit compels us to action and helps us to determine the right choices. I believe the Holy Spirit helps us strengthen our faith, gives us guidance, and brings out goodness and peace in everyone. The Sanctifier is always with us, ever growing, and after Confirmation, will play a bigger part of in our lives.

I believe the Church lays the foundation for further growth. It is a community of believers to which we belong, an institution through which we glorify God. The Church is a family for us. I believe the Church joins us and unites us as one with Jesus at the center of our faith. It gives us support as we say “thank you” and live the gift of life God has given us. Amen.

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