Period of Invitation and Inquiry – July and August
· Invite eligible candidates to participate.
· Begin the Confirmation preparation process with an individual interview with Fr. Manolo in August or September.
· Establish a community of trust through initial meeting.
· Help each candidate reflect on his/her personal religious experience.
Invitations are mailed to Confirmation candidates, with a copy furnished to the parents.
Information Packet is picked up by the candidates from the Rectory office and an appointment is scheduled with the Program Coordinator, Fr. Manolo.
Candidates are asked to read the Confirmation Preparation Program Booklet found in the packet. Much of its contents will be topics for the initial interview.
At the scheduled interview, candidates are expected to bring:
1. The contract signed by them and their parent[s]
2. Credentials:
· New Baptismal Certificate issued for Confirmation purposes only. This applies to all candidates whether you were baptized at St. Joseph Church or in another parish.
· Proof of completion of Religious Education
3. Fee [$50.00] (checks payable to St. Joseph Church)
4. Project I - Personal Letter on Intent
5. Service Project Forms, if any have been completed
PROJECT I – Writing a Personal Letter of Intent
Candidate is asked to compose a personal letter to the Program Coordinator, Fr. Manolo. Candidate is encouraged to write his/her letter from the heart, but the following questions may help to get the process started. This letter is to be handed in during the interview.
Questions to guide you:
· What does being confirmed mean to you?
· What does being a member of St. Joseph parish community mean to you?
· What does your faith mean to you? What does it mean to you to be Catholic?
· What role do God and your faith in God play in your everyday life?
· Why do you want to be confirmed?
· How will you participate in our parish community after you receive Confirmation?
Period of Formation - beginning in September
GOAL: Generate or renew the candidates’ interest in what we profess as Catholics.
11:30 AM - Mass of Enrollment
During this Mass, candidates will come to the front and make a simple declaration that they officially wish to become candidates for Confirmation.
Meeting with Parents following Mass in Bernard Hall
12:30-1:00 PM - light lunch
1:00 - 2:30 PM : First Session: I believe - The Faith by which We Were Baptized
Candidates are encouraged to continue on the path of Christian initiation by growing more fully into their Baptismal identity as Christians.
11:30 AM - Mass with Renewal of Baptismal Vows
12:30-1:00 PM - light lunch
1:00 - 2:30 PM : Second Session: Born Anew in Baptism
PROJECT II - Choosing a Confirmation Sponsor
Candidates should ask their sponsors to come with them to the next session. They are also expected to have completed the Form to be submitted to Fr. Manolo.
Service Requirements:
At this point, the candidate is expected to have completed 2 hours of the Christian Service Project. Forms will be collected during the session.
The candidates are helped to expand their understanding of the meaning of the Gift of the Spirit that they will receive in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
11:30 AM - Mass with active participation in the Liturgy
12:30-1:00 PM - light lunch
1:00 - 2:30 PM : Third Session: Sealed with the Gift of the Spirit Introduction of Sponsors: Sponsors are expected to be present during the session. Candidates prepare to introduce their sponsors to the group.
PROJECT III - I belong to the Family
Candidates will write at least ten (10) different one-liner prayer requests to parishioners. These prayer requests will be photocopied and placed in a basket for parishioners to pick on December 14. Parishioners will then pray for the candidates’ prayer requests until the day of Confirmation.
Service Requirements:
At this point, the candidate is expected to have completed a total of 4 hours of the Christian Service Project. Forms will be collected during the session.
The candidates focus on the strength given in Confirmation, that comes from the increased measure of the treasures of God’s life in the sacrament - the gift of the Spirit.
11:30 AM - Mass with special intercession for candidates
-People will be asked to pick the names of candidates and pray for the candidates’ intentions until the day of Confirmation.
12:30-1:00 PM - light lunch
1:00 - 2:30 PM : Fourth Session: In the Strength of His Love
Service Requirements:
At this point, the candidate is expected to have completed a total of 6 hours of the Christian Service Project. Forms will be collected during the session.
The candidates explore the symbol of anointing with oil and its profound significance in Confirmation.
11:30 AM - Mass with active participation in the Liturgy
12:30-1:00 PM - light lunch
1:00 - 2:30 PM : Fifth Session: The Oil of Salvation
PROJECT III - Selecting a Confirmation Name
Candidates must create and submit a Confirmation project that shows a knowledge and understanding of the saint whose name they are choosing as their own Confirmation name. Candidates may also choose to just retain their Baptismal name.
Projects do not necessarily have to be written reports. Indeed, candidates are encouraged to be creative and original. Projects could posters, models, dioramas, screenplays, mobiles, first-person narratives written from the point of view of the saint, sculptures, woodcarvings – the possibilities are limited only by your imagination!
Projects will be presented at the February 8 session and then displayed for the entire parish community during Confirmation week!
Candidates may work together with family, friends, and/or fellow candidates to complete this project.
The Program Coordinator reserves the right to return projects to candidates for further work if the submitted work does not reflect the individual’s attention, care, effort, and/or reverence required for participation in this program.
A good place to start researching saints is the Catholic Online website, There you will find an alphabetical index of saints, an index of patron saints, and a calendar with saints’ feast days, among other useful tools.
In starting to research saints and complete their projects, candidates may want to consider the following questions:
· How and why did your parents choose your baptismal name?
· What activities, places, people, etc. interest you? Is there a patron saint associated with any of these ?
· Which saints have their feast day on your birthday?
· Which saints inspire you? Why?
· When and where did the saint you are interested in live?
· When was he/she canonized? By which pope?
· How did this saint die? Was he/she persecuted and/or martyred for his/her beliefs?
· What was this saint’s occupation?
· What did this saint’s mission look like?
· What virtues did this saint practice in his/her life? Did this saint always practice these virtues? Did this saint experience a conversion?
· How would you describe this saint’s personality?
· What miracles did this saint perform?
· Are there any symbols associated with this saint?
· What are their meanings?
· In what ways is this saint a model for Christians today?
· How would this saint act/react if he/she were living in today’s world?
· If this saint were to complete a Confirmation project on his/her own life, what kind of project would he/she create?
Service Requirements:
At this point, the candidate is expected to have completed a total of 8 hours of the Christian Service Project. Forms will be collected during the session.
The candidates deepen their understanding of their fundamental relationship with Christ begun in Baptism and what it means to be anointed in His image.
11:30 AM - Mass with active participation in the Liturgy
12:30-1:00 PM - light lunch
1:00 - 2:30 PM : Sixth Session: More Like Christ
Service Requirements:
At this point, the candidate is expected to have completed a total of 10 hours of the Christian Service Project. Forms will be collected during the session.
Rite of the Burning of the Palm for Ash Wednesday 7:00 p.m. to begin our Parish Mission. Attendance Required.
The candidates reflect on the Eucharist as the sign of unity in the Church and the source of spiritual nourishment that enables them to be true witnesses of Christ in the world.
11:30 AM - Mass: with active participation in the Liturgy
12:30-1:00 PM - light lunch
1:00 - 2:30 PM : Seventh Session: In the Unity of Faith
PROJECT IV – Preparing the Living Stations of the Cross
Living Stations of the Cross will be offered for the parish on Friday, April 10. Candidates will rehearse and depict each Station. This activity will be in coordination with the Parish Youth Director. Schedule to follow.
Service Requirements:
At this point, the candidate is expected to have completed all of the 12 hours of the Christian Service Project. Forms will be collected during the session.
APRIL 5 - Palm Sunday
The candidates reflect on the meaning of the Cross and the suffering of Jesus leading to his resurrection, his victory over death and evil.
11:30 AM - Mass: with active participation in the Liturgy
12:30-1:00 PM - light lunch
1:00 - 2:30 PM : Eighth Session: Jesus Rejected - The Meaning of the Cross
Period of Reflection - late spring
Candidates make final spiritual preparation for the reception of the Sacrament.
Off-site retreat in coordination with the Archdiocesan Youth Ministry on April 25/26
Period of Celebration
Tentative dates for the celebration of Confirmation are:
May 31 or June 7 or June 14